using namespace std;
void loading(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200]);
void menudisplay(int& accounts, int pin[200], int acnum[200], int funds[200], char acname[200][20], char type[200]); //prototype for menu function
void createaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200]); //prototype for creat account function
void depositfunds(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200]); //prototype for deposit funnds function
void withdrawfunds(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pins[200]); //prototype for withdrawing funds function
void checkbalance(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200]); //prototype for checking balance of indivisual account function
void allaccountholders(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20]); //prototype for to see all account holders list function
void closeaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200]); //prototype for closing an account function
void modifyaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200]); //prototype for modifying an account function
void useraccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200]); //prototype for user can see his account details function
void modify2(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200]);
// the main function of program
int main()
int pin[200];
char choice;
int accounts = 0;
int acnum[200], funds[200]; char acname[200][20]; char type[200];
int loopvar = 1;
ifstream indata;
indata >> accounts;
system("color b1");
char x;
cout << "Do you want to start from 0 accounts , press y for yes .n for no" << endl;
cin >> x;
if (x == 'n' || x == 'N')
loading(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pin);
if (x == 'y' || x == 'Y')
accounts = 0;
for (int p = 1; p;) //for loop to check admin login ,user login ,exit ,,,other wise continue
cout << " . . ..... . .. .. . . .....\n . . . . . . . . . .. .. .\n . . . . ..... . . . . . .. . .....\n . . . . . . . . . . .\n ..... ..... .. .. . . ....." << endl;
cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
cout << "\n\n\n Admin Login ...press A\n User Login .....press U\n For Exit press E" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'a' || choice == 'A')
char ch;
int count = 0;
char password[6] = "A^0g0";
string pass;
cout << "Enter the password" << endl;
ch = _getch(); // this
for (; count<5; count++) // will
{ // produce
pass.push_back(ch); // stars
cout << '*'; // istead of
ch = _getch(); // characters of password
if (pass == password)
loopvar = 0;
menudisplay(accounts, pin, acnum, funds, acname, type); // calling menu function for admin only
} while (loopvar); // do_while loop for admin password check
if (choice == 'u' || choice == 'U')
useraccount(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pin); //calling user detail function for user only
if (choice == 'E' || choice == 'e')
cout << "Thanks for Using Bank Account System" << endl;
p = 0;
// the menu of program
void menudisplay(int& accounts, int pin[200], int acnum[200], int funds[200], char acname[200][20], char type[200])
int choice = 0;
cout << "* * *\n*** *** ***\n***** ***** *****\n******* ******* *******\n***** ***** *****\n*** *** ***\n* * *" << endl;
for (choice; choice != 8;) //for loop for choice of functions in main menu
cout << "\n @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 1 to create new account" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 2 to deposit funds " << endl;
cout << "\n Press 3 to withdraw funds" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 4 to check balance" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 5 to view all account holders" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 6 to close an account" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 7 to modify an account" << endl;
cout << "\n Press 8 to exit program" << endl;
cout << "\n @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice) // switch to connect with required function
case 1:
createaccount(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pin); //calling create account function
case 2:
depositfunds(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname,pin); //calling deposit funds function
case 3:
withdrawfunds(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname,pin); //calling withdraw funds function
case 4:
checkbalance(accounts, acnum, funds); //calling function to check balance of indivisual accounts
case 5:
allaccountholders(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname); //calling all account holders list function
case 6:
closeaccount(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname,pin); //calling close an account function
case 7:
modifyaccount(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname,pin); //calling function to modify an account
case 8: //8 for exit
// create account
void createaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200])
ofstream outdata;
if (accounts == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) // for loop filling full 2d array with spaces
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
acname[i][j] = ' ';
if (accounts >199)
cout << " you cant save more accounts " << endl; cin.get(); cin.get();
menudisplay(accounts, pin, acnum, funds, acname, type); // calling menu function for not because accounts are full
for (int k = 1; k;)
cout << "Account 'number' for User number " << accounts + 1 << endl;
cin >> acnum[accounts];
if (accounts > 0) // if condition and then for loops and then some if conditions to check if account number alreday present
for (int f = 0; f < accounts; f++)
if (acnum[accounts] == acnum[f])
cout << "\nAccount no. Already Present\n" << endl;
k = 1;
k = 0;
else k = 0;
if (accounts == 0)
outdata.open("acnum.txt", std::fstream::app);
outdata << acnum[accounts] << endl;
for (int k = 1; k;)
cout << "Account 'Name' for User number " << accounts + 1 << endl;
cin >> acname[accounts];
//cin.getline(acname[accounts], 200);
if (accounts > 0) // if condition and then for loops and then some if conditions to check if account name alreday present
for (int f = 0; f < accounts; f++)
if ((strcmp(acname[accounts], acname[f]) == 0))
cout << "\nAccount Name Already Present\n" << endl;
k = 1;
k = 0;
else k = 0;
if (accounts == 0)
outdata.open("acname.txt", std::fstream::app);
outdata << acname[accounts] << endl;
cout << "Enter Account type < 's' for Saving and 'c' for Current" << endl;
cin >> type[accounts];
if (accounts == 0)
outdata.open("actype.txt", std::fstream::app);
outdata << type[accounts] << endl;
int h = 1; //a simple variable
cout << "Enter the initial amount <500 or more for saving and 1000 or more for current>" << endl;
cin >> funds[accounts];
if (type[accounts] == 's' || type[accounts] == 'S') //if statement to check account type and then its funds
if (funds[accounts] >= 500 && funds[accounts] < 1000)
h = 0;
if (type[accounts] == 'c' || type[accounts] == 'C') //if statement to check account type and then its funds
if (funds[accounts] >= 1000)
h = 0;
while (h);
if (accounts == 0)
outdata.open("funds.txt", std::fstream::app);
outdata << funds[accounts] << endl;
cout << "Enter the pin code for current" << endl;
cin >> pin[accounts];
if (accounts == 0)
outdata.open("pins.txt", std::fstream::app);
outdata << pin[accounts] << endl;
cout << "Account succesfully created" << endl;
outdata << accounts;
// deposit amount
void depositfunds(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200])
int acnumd, fundd = 0, counter = 0;
cout << "Enter the account number" << endl;
cin >> acnumd;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts; i++)
if (acnum[i] == acnumd)
cout << "Account number :" << acnum[i] << endl;
cout << "Account name :" << acname[i] << endl;
cout << "Account type :" << type[i] << endl;
cout << "To deposit amount" << endl;
cout << " Enter the amount deposited " << endl;
cin >> fundd; //entering the amount to add
funds[i] = funds[i] + fundd;
cout << "Record updated" << endl; cin.get(); cin.get();
if (counter == accounts){
cout << "Record not found" << endl; //if statement to check if account not present
modify2(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pins);
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// withdraw funds
void withdrawfunds(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200])
int acnumd, fundd = 0, counter = 0;
cout << "Enter the account number" << endl;
cin >> acnumd;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts; i++) //for loop to check the account number and then if present or not
if (acnum[i] == acnumd)
cout << "Account number :" << acnum[i] << endl;
cout << "Account name :" << acname[i] << endl;
cout << "To withdraw amount" << endl;
cout << " Enter the amount withdrawn " << endl;
cin >> fundd;
funds[i] = funds[i] - fundd;
cout << "Record updated\n\n" << endl; cin.get(); cin.get();
if (counter == accounts){
cout << "Recrd not found" << endl; //if statement to check if account not present
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
modify2(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pins);
// check balance
void checkbalance(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200])
int acnumc;
cout << "Enter the Account Number" << endl;
cin >> acnumc;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts; i++) //for loop to check the account number and then if present or not
if (acnum[i] == acnumc)
cout << "Funds are: " << funds[i];
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// all acount holders
void allaccountholders(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20])
cout << "\n\n\t\tACCOUNT HOLDER LIST\n\n";
cout << "====================================================\n";
cout << "A/C no. Name Type Balance\n";
cout << "====================================================\n";
for (int i = 0; i < accounts; i++)
cout << acnum[i] << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << acname[i][j];
}cout << " " << type[i] << " " << funds[i] << endl;
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// closing account
void closeaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200])
int acnumc;
cout << "Enter the Account Number" << endl;
cin >> acnumc;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts; i++) //for loop to check the account number and then if present or not
if (acnum[i] == acnumc)
for (int k = i; k < accounts; k++)
acnum[k] = acnum[k+1]; //it will replace the account number with zeros
funds[k] = funds[k+1]; //it will replace the account funds with zeros
type[k] = type[k+1];//it will replace the account type with space
pins[k] = pins[k+1];
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
acname[k][j] = acname[k+1][j]; //it will replace the account name with spaces
ofstream outdata;
outdata << accounts;
modify2(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pins);
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// modify account
void modifyaccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20],int pins[200])
int choice, acnumu;
cout << "Enter Your Account Number" << endl;
cin >> acnumu;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++) //for loop to check the account number and then if present or not
if (acnumu == acnum[k])
cout << "====================================================\n";
cout << "A/C no. Name Type Balance\n";
cout << "====================================================\n";
cout << acnum[k] << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << acname[k][j];
}cout << " " << type[k] << " " << funds[k] << endl;
cout << " what do you want in modification function" << endl;
cout << " press 1 to change the name of account" << endl;
cout << " press 2 to change the type of account" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice) //switch statement to go to required case
case 1:
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) // for loop filling full 2d array with spaces
acname[k][j] = ' ';
cout << "enter new name" << endl;
cin >> acname[k];
case 2:
cout << "enter new type" << endl;
cin >> type[k];
modify2(accounts, acnum, funds, type, acname, pins);
cin.get(); cin.get(); //a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// user can see his account
void useraccount(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200])
int acnumu, pinu;
cout << "enter your account number" << endl;
cin >> acnumu;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++) //for loop to check the account number and then if present or not
if (acnumu == acnum[k])
cout << "enter the pin code of your account" << endl;
cin >> pinu;
if (pinu == pin[k]) //if statement will match pin of that account which entered pin
cout << "====================================================\n";
cout << "a/c no. name type balance\n";
cout << "====================================================\n";
cout << acnum[k] << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) // for loop to generate the name
cout << acname[k][j];
}cout << " " << type[k] << " " << funds[k] << endl;
cin.get(); cin.get();
//a samll function which gives the next operation after pressing "enter"
// loading from files
void loading(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200])
string s;
ifstream indata;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
indata >> acname[k];
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
indata >> pin[k];
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
indata >> funds[k];
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
indata >> type[k];
void modify2(int& accounts, int acnum[200], int funds[200], char type[200], char acname[200][20], int pin[200])
ofstream outdata;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
outdata << acname[k] << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
outdata << acnum[k] << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
outdata << type[k] << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
outdata << funds[k] << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < accounts; k++)
outdata << pin[k] << endl;